Global Reach

Creating an international community

A true Four-Dimensional (4D) Experience doesn't just happen in the classroom. Across the globe, 我们的学生和教师创造知识,使深刻和持久的变化变得更好. Our students study international economics in Prague, 在泰国从事可持续发展工作,利用春假在中美洲提供医疗援助.

At home, our campus is enriched by students, teachers and researchers from across the world, representing more than 80 countries. We are committed to providing our international students all the advising, 倡导和语言教育,他们需要在新环境中有宾至如归的感觉,并成为世俗和严格的大学经历的一部分.

Faculty make crucial contributions to our global presence. 他们的研究证明了非暴力解决看似棘手的全球问题的非凡有效性. They consult with governments and corporations the world over, fight human trafficking, and act as cultural emissaries between our country and others.

We also host events and programs that bring the world to our campus. From Egyptian scholars to Latin American statesmen to Chinese media executives, 来自世界各地的思想家和实干家来到这里分享想法,并向我们的社区学习. These efforts, combined with the education, connections and programs of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, help us develop bonds globally and strengthen relationships among nations.

“像美国这样的大国在这个世界上发挥作用的唯一途径是对其他文化开放,并开放与其他国家的关系. I think the University is at the forefront of that."

70% 大约70%的正规赌博十大平台排行本科生出国留学,其中许多是通过谢灵顿全球奖学金项目

80+ 正规赌博十大平台排行拥有来自全球80多个国家的学生和教师

Peace Corps


DU in the World

Our students work with communities worldwide, exchanging knowledge and improving conditions across the globe.

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    International Student Learning Dharamsala

    For one of our longest-running international programs, students travel to Dharamsala, a city in India’s Himalayan region that is home to the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government in exile. While there, students immerse themselves in Tibetan culture, 向前政治犯学习,为新抵达的难民做一对一的语言伙伴. 几乎每个回国的学生都将这次旅行描述为他们在正规赌博十大平台排行最具影响力的经历.

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    Global Medical Brigades

    Over the last five years, 我们的医疗和牙科旅的成员利用春假前往尼加拉瓜和巴拿马提供医疗和水救济. Volunteers help with triage, shadow doctors and dentists during consultations, assist in the pharmacy and lead educational sessions for children. Recently, 他们与当地人合作建造基础设施,为以前无法获得清洁水的社区提供水.

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    Hospitality in-service training

    In partnership with the Global Livingston Institute, 杜学生正在帮助乌干达人获得进入酒店业所需的培训,并提高他们的生活质量. Student interns shape a project that trains and manages a diverse workforce. 参与该项目的乌干达人发展了技能,提高了生活质量. The program already has placed more than 200 Ugandans in the workforce, and as our partnership continues, that number will grow.

Faculty in the World

Deborah Avant
Deborah Avant

si chimou - kang国际安全与外交中心主任Deborah Avant说, along with a team of professors and researchers, 领导调查冲突地区非暴力行动的影响吗. 该小组希望找到减少暴力的最有效方法,并为长期和平与稳定创造条件.

Nader Hashemi
Nader Hashemi

As director of the Korbel School's Center for Middle East Studies, 纳德·哈什米教授与学生和教职员工共同努力,加深对中东和更广泛的伊斯兰世界的社会和政治结构的理解. His work aims to shrink the gap between the Middle East and the West at large.

Condolezza Rice

Global Engagement

Strengthening bonds worldwide

我们科贝尔国际关系学院的学生站在促进和平努力的最前线, justice and understanding worldwide. Institutes like the Center for China-U.S. 合作与拉美中心致力于解决区域问题,加强区域关系. Through the Center on Human Rights Education and the Human Trafficking Center, students help advance human rights on a global scale.

Other students work with disadvantaged youth in South Africa, provide community health education and support in Costa Rica, and teach computer skills to seniors in Ireland through our many abroad programs.

我们也很自豪地向我们的国际学生展示美国所提供的最好的东西, 我们还提供语言教育服务,支持国际学生充分利用他们的教育.

Helping Students Succeed Is What We Do

我们努力确保国际学生拥有他们在正规赌博十大平台排行发展所需的所有资源,并以他们的技能和观点丰富我们的社区. Our International Student and Scholar Services 在努力使我们的校园成为新到我们国家的人的理想起点方面是必不可少的吗.

The World Comes to DU

Our campus is a magnet for visitors, who bring with them different perspectives and global connections.

Project X-cite Logo
Flight to Denver

Flight to Denver, hosted by DU's Project X-ITE in collaboration with a variety of academic, public, private and nonprofit groups, is a summit for the engineers, 致力于实现联合国可持续发展目标的科学家和创新者. The 17 goals, set forward in 2015, are designed to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for everyone. Teams addressing the different goals partnered with faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, and experts from the nonprofit, public and private sectors.

Lund University Campus
Lund University Partnership

Thanks to an innovative partnership, 学生有机会在瑞典留学两年,获得DU的学士学位和隆德大学的硕士学位. 最初提供给学生在生物科学和性别和妇女研究项目, 该计划要求参与者在杜肯大学学习前三年,然后在隆德大学学习两年, the highest-ranked university in Sweden and one of the top 100 in the world.

culturefest attendees
DU CultureFest

A DU tradition for more than 30 years, CultureFest is an opportunity for students, 教职员工和邻居庆祝杜社区所代表的多种文化. With food and performances from around the globe, 参与者们享受着乐趣和美食,而来自各种国际俱乐部和组织的代表们则分享着来自广泛文化的传统.

Student Vies for World Record

我们的学生在离开很久之后仍然被大学的国际精神所鼓舞. Jessica Elliott is living proof, as she journeys to set a world record for visiting every country in the world.